請輸入... 話說 aurat 除了『陰部』有沒有更雅俗通用的字眼?
aurat 在伊斯蘭教文的意思是私密處的統稱,不只是性器官,還有『附近一帶』,還真的不知道要怎麼糾正這個駭人聽聞翻譯~
資料來源: Facebook News
請輸入... 話說 aurat 除了『陰部』有沒有更雅俗通用的字眼?
aurat 在伊斯蘭教文的意思是私密處的統稱,不只是性器官,還有『附近一帶』,還真的不知道要怎麼糾正這個駭人聽聞翻譯~
資料來源: Facebook News
For traveling foodies, local cuisine is as important as the destination itself when planning a trip.
To highlight the most popular cuisines on the planet right now, we asked CNN readers to vote for their favorite culinary destination in an open Facebook poll.
Clearly, Asian food is on people's minds these days.
That or we have a lot of readers in the region who want to support their homeland's culinary prowess.
With the exception of Italy and Greece, every place on our list is in Asia.
Ready to hop on a plane?
If reaction to the first round of X Factor auditions is anything to go by, you can’t get enough of Philippine girl group 4th Power.
The sisterly quartet – who are already inviting Little Mix comparisons – sailed through to the next round on Saturday night’s show after wowing the judges with their rendition of Bang Bang.
Simon Cowell even went so far as to suggest their performance was one of the best first auditions he had ever seen.
This image of a tiny baby lying lifeless on the shore is, like so many, too heartbreaking to watch. What’s really appalling is that instead of being shocked to take urgent action, our leaders are stuck in a fighting match on whose problem this is. But for the first time ever, there’s a glimmer of hope for a solution.
drown | v. | (使)溺死 | appalling | adj. | 駭人聽聞的 | |
lifeless | adj. | 死的,無生命的 | match | n. | 競賽 | |
shore | n. | 岸 | glimmer | n. | 一線曙光 | |
heartbreaking | adj. | 使人心碎的 |
After massive public calls to welcome refugees, German Chancellor Merkel and the President of the EU Commission are leading efforts to deliver a new, strong European Union plan that would give refuge to people fleeing war and hunger. France is on board, but shamefully the UK, Hungary, and other Eastern European countries have been blocking this emergency action. Whether EU politicians lead the world to a humane 21st century refugee plan, or turn their backs, depends on how much they feel the public demands it. That’s where we come in.
Chancellor | n. | 總理 | flee | v. | 逃離 | |
Commission | n. | 委員會 | come in | 起重要作用 | ||
refuge | n. | 庇護所 |
Right now we are at a tipping point. It’s time for us to lead our leaders. EU Ministers are meeting in the next few days to set their positions, so there’s no time to lose. Join the call for a plan to give these terrified families safe haven now -- Avaaz will deliver our proposal to all key decision makers before their summit.
a tipping point | 頂點,轉折點 | proposal | n. | 提議 | ||
Minister | n. | 部長,大臣 | summit | n. | 高峰會 | |
call | n. | 需求,需要 |
資料來源: Avaaz
●E corn(角)
●Ma che stai a dì/ma che vuoi?(你到底在說什麼鬼?)
The company producing the cards said they would be released on 1 September, backtracking on an earlier statement that the cards would be withdrawn.
The cards are used to pay for journeys on Taipei's metro and bus network.
The image on the card is not pornographic. Ms Hatano said she should be allowed to contribute to society.
"Just because I am an adult video porn star... does it mean that I cannot pay a debt of gratitude to my beloved Taiwan?" she said, in a statement quoted by the Focus Taiwan news website.
The biggest fish in the sea is as long as a school bus, weighs as much as 50,000 pounds, and has a mouth that looks, head-on, wide enough to suck down a small car. Despite this distinctive profile, scientists know very little about Rhincodon typus – the whale shark.
suck | v. | 以強大吸力吞沒 | Rhincodon typus | 鯨鯊 | ||
distinctive | adj. | 與眾不同的, 有特色的 |
The behemoths are indeed sharks: they breathe through gills, like fish. They are cold-blooded, like fish. The “whale” part of the name refers to size and how the animals eat. They are one of only three known shark species that filter feed, as baleen whales do, swimming slowly through plankton-rich water, maws agape. Water goes in carrying edibles of all sizes, and water sans food flows out.
In India monkey business takes on a whole new meaning. Hanuman langurs are trained in New Delhi to scare off aggressive rhesus monkeys and other wild animals that might roam into public spaces and cause mischief. When the city hosted the 2010 Commonwealth Games last October, its municipal council used 38 langurs to help with critter control.
bound | n. | 跳躍 | roam | v. | 閒逛 | |
monkey business | 惡作劇,暗中搞鬼 | mischief | n. | 損害 | ||
takes on | 開始呈現,露出 | Commonwealth | n. | 國家 | ||
Hanuman langur | 哈努曼葉猴 | municipal | adj. | 市政府的 | ||
aggressive | adj. | 好鬥的 | critter | n. | 生物 | |
rhesus | n. | 獼猴 |
These primates are valued as more than security guards. Hindus revere them as a symbol of the monkey deity Hanuman, whose simian army helped rescue Sita, the god Rama’s wife, from a demon king, according to a Sanskrit epic. Langurs’ black faces and extremities call to mind the burns that Hanuman suffered in the course of his heroism.
primate | n. | 靈長目動物 | extremities | n. | 四肢 | |
revere | v. | 敬重 | call to mind | 想起 | ||
deity | n. | 神 | course | n. | 所經之路 | |
simian | adj. | 猴的 | heroism | n. | 英勇,大無畏 | |
epic | n. | 史詩 |
The lifestyle of the monkeys reflects this state of grace. In the city of Jodhpur, at the edge of the Thar, or Great Indian, Desert, some 2,100 wild langurs regularly leap into human society to sample its goods. Local Hindus share picnics in parks and turn shrines into buffets of offerings for the monkeys. Some let the holy beasts glean from their gardens.
sample | n. | 品嘗 | glean | v. | 拾穗 | |
buffet | n. | 擺放自取食物的長桌 |
That’s a nice change of pace from life in the Thar, where sizzling heat and scant moisture make survival a challenge, and the monkeys must scrounge for plants and occasional insects to eat. Since most langurs are tree dwellers, these often scamper high on the desert cliffs or perch on nearby rooftops.
pace | n. | 步調 | dweller | n. | 居住者 | |
sizzling | adj. | 嘶嘶作響的 | scamper | v. | 蹦蹦跳跳地跑 | |
scant | adj. | 缺乏的 | perch | v. | 歇息 | |
scrounge | v. | 乞討,向人索取 |
But the human population is growing fast in the region these days, and people may be tempted to retaliate if the monkeys’ garden incursions turn into full-fledged crop raids. Even animals this beloved could wear out their welcome.
It was a generation in waiting. They waited for a good education, and that rarely came. Then they waited for jobs, which paid very little when they did come. Without proper jobs, they waited to get married, often staying with their parents into their 30’s – or living with their parents even after they got married. Most important, they waited for liberty: the right to vote freely, to participate in politics, to change the world.
Until they could wait no longer.
Some 60 percent of people in the Middle East are under 30 years old, and many of them are angry. Like young people everywhere, they have ambitions. They want, they need, they crave. They feel constrained – especially, perhaps, when they watched satellite television or surf the internet. There they can see how the rest of the world lives. Social media (including personal blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more) allow young men and women to share their frustrations in ways they couldn’t in the past. They are not alone any more. Now they have allies. They have power.
Here's the dirty little secret only computer engineers know. The way the Internet was built, it's inherently insecure. Communicating online is like sending paper notes on an automobile highway in a war zone.
To keep your notes private, mathematicians come up with complex algorithms to encrypt communication. It's like putting military armor on your car as it drives down that perilous road.
hack | v. | 對付 | algorithm | n. | 演算法 | |
inherently | adv. | 本質上 | encrypt | v. | (電腦)加密 | |
automobile | n. | 汽車 | armor | n. | 盔甲,裝甲 | |
come up with | 想出,提出 | perilous | adj. | 危險的 |
But in reality, the enemies always find a way to pierce the armor.