

  1. look forward to 後面一定要接Ving noun.

  2. 請求協助 appreciate 前面的助動詞要用would.


Dear Mary,


Thanks for taking the time to meet with me yesterday so that I could explain our new product features. I hope you found something to interest you.


Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the products, or if you would like to place an order.


Dear Jeff,

I am very sorry to hear of your resignation. I know that you are probably glad to be moving on, but we are all going to miss you here at Losers Inc. I wish you all the best in your new job.

Dear Joyce,


Thanks for your email. Regarding your questions, please talk to Jane about this, as she has taken over responsibility for the project. I am moving to Hong Kong at the end of the month.


If you have any problems, please let me know and I’ll see what I can do to help.


Dear Edward,


Please could you let me have your figures by 12 today? I need to put them into my report.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Dear Jim,


Regarding the proposal we’re supposed to pitch on Monday, I have been working very hard on it all week, but I still have not received all the data you promised you would send. If I don’t receive the data by 5 p.m. today, I will have to let Darcy know that the pitch will not be going ahead due to lack of cooperation from your department.



I would really appreciate if you could get a move on!




更多資訊請看: 商業週刊 - 信件尾巴的好結語



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