A: I think we made a big mistake going into this new market so soon. I told Bill not to jump the gun, but he wouldn’t listen.
B: I know you did. Bill is an important guy. He should hold his horses. We may get burned here, and it could be an expensive mistake.
A: I tried to block this decision, but Bill did an end run and went straight to the president and convinced him it was a good idea.
B: I think the president was being unrealistic in this case. Bill probably convinced him he could have his cake and eat it, too, but I think he blew it when he gave Bill the O.K.
A: This could put the company back to square one. I agree that this decision was really off base.
B: At least nobody can pass the buck on this mistake. The responsibility belongs to the president on this one.
Jump the gun 操之過急
Don’t jump the gun. We need more information before we make a decision.
Hold one’s horses 別急!等一下
I told him to hold his horses. He needs to think it over before he makes a change.
Get burned 受騙上當
She got burned in that deal. She doesn’t want to invest in another start-up again.
Do an end run 規避的伎倆
If she does an end run and takes her concerns to the president, we may not win.
Have one’s cake and eat it, too 魚與熊掌兼得
She managed to have her cake and eat it, too. She got a promotion, a raise, and a job she likes better.
Blow it 搞砸了
He blew it when he bought that stock. He lost a lot of money.
Be back to square one 回到原點,從頭開始
The data is lost, so he’s back to square one. He’ll have to start again.
Off base 搞錯了
I don’t understand him. His comments in the meeting sounded really off base.
Pass the buck 互踢皮球, 推諉責任
When she didn’t want to do the work, she passed the buck to another worker.